Magnetic Jewellery for men
We have designer jewellery and wellness accessories
& we have something for every taste and budget.
One of my personal favourties is the trendy pendant bar, its
Stainless Steel
(so it wont dis colour, like silver)
BUY ME NOW HERE at energetix
This is perhaps one of the oldest of the traditional healing methods dating back to Cleopatra and the pyramids of Egypt, but not so long ago it was the victim of conflicting opinions.
This is because magnetic healing wasn’t scientifically proven and there were no clinical trials. This has now changed and we now have scientific backup to prove that magnets have a beneficial impact on the body – human or animal.
The whole world is one big magnet, we have a magnetic field which we have evolved to need and have iron platelets in our blood which need a constant source of magnetic field to keep negatively polarised or they start to stick together to form strings – or moneyrolls. This in turn will slow down the blood flow because the blood is now “lumpy” and therefore reduces your circulation. This in turn reduces your metabolism and causes your immune system to become compromised. The long term effect of this is that you can get high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the body’s ability to heal itself is reduced. The most important result of this, in my opinion, is that the body’s PH level then moves from an alkaline PH level to a more acidic PH level.
“When the pH in the body stays on the acid side for an extended period of time, a condition of acidosis occurs. Acidosis is a central factor in the degenerative disease process. Chronic degenerative diseases, such as cancer and Type II diabetes, are acute acidic reactions extended into chronic states.”
“Magnetic fields can stimulate metabolism and increase the amount of oxygen available to cells.”
“Dr Becker detected that positive electromagnetic energy initially exists at the site of injury, such as cancerous growth, and then it will heal this lesion. However, in many cases, the body simply does not supply and maintain enough negative magnetic energy at the injury to facilitate healing. This is because the human body has some limitations – based on its own energy capacity – on how much negative magnetic energy it can generate.
Adding a negative magnetic field from a source outside the body can provide anti-stressful energy of sufficient strength for healing to occur, supplementing the body’s effort to heal. The body is then not required to be the sole provider of negative magnetic energy to its injured area”
“A negative magnetic field is required for healing in general, including cuts, bruises, broken bones, allergic reactions, infections and inflammation.
A negative magnetic field normalises pH, which prevents or relives the symptoms of immunologic and non-immunologic sensitivities and addictive withdrawal symptoms.
The oxygenation of cells and tissues occurs in the presence of a negative magnetic field”
“Negative magnetic field therapy will be effectual antibiotic treatment for infections (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites). Indeed, a negative magnetic field will become the antibiotic of tomorrow, because none of these organisms can tolerate negative magnetic field. This antibiotic effect will be of tremendous value because conventional medicine is currently having difficulties making new antibiotics fast enough to counter microorganism mutations, which render antibiotics ineffective.”
“The application of magnets can substantially replace tranquilizers, antidepressants and anti-seizure medications in the treatment of mental illness. In addition, it will help correct sleep disorders.”
From Magnetic Therapy by William H Philpott M.D.
The more acidic the body, the more pain you can feel because your body is telling you that something is wrong. The closer you can get to an alkaline pH level the more in tune your body is to where it should be and the best thing to reset this is to spend time in a country that doesn’t have the electronic smog we find in all technologically advanced countries – think about it – how much are degenerative diseases a huge problem in the less advanced countries? The smog blocks our access to the magnetic field our bodies require from the earth’s magnetic field – all our jewellery does is replace that…
want more info see my face book page or email me
kind regards
Tracey Shaw
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